Have you ever experienced that moment when you realise there isn't enough cash in the account to meet the wages bill? Or that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see your bank manager's name on your caller ID and you know you've exceeded your overdraft?
Have you ever stared in bewilderment at your year-end financials, proudly displaying a taxable profit that doesn't come anywhere near your actual measly bank balance? But despite the discrepancy, there is tax to pay?
These extremely unpleasant and unexpected moments of cashflow uncertainty can have extremely dire consequences for the business you are carefully nurturing and trying to grow!
The scary thing is, these moments can happen even when your sales figures look amazing!
A high sales figure is wonderful, but it doesn't translate into cash in the bank until your clients have actually paid you - and - that money doesn't tend to stay there, does it?
It is possible to have fantastic sales in your accounting records and absolutely no money in the bank. It is also possible for you to be sitting there, staring at your empty bank account and having absolutely no clue as to why you have no money in the bank.
This is why managing your cash is just as important as tracking your numbers.
That is what this package is all about!
We want to you to live a stress-free, cash-positive life!
Albert Einstein said that if he was given one hour to save the planet, he would spend the first 59 minutes defining the problem. Therefore, our first step in helping you fix your cashflow is to work out exactly what is happening with your cash.
Step one is to have a complete Cashflow Assessment done - this involves a (rather long) questionnaire and a (also rather long) virtual chat in which we are going to find out all the things that are going wrong - and right - with your cashflow. We use the information gathered in this questionnaire and chat to produce a Cashflow Improvement Plan for you. Not only is this plan extremely comprehensive, but we also make sure it is simple to implement (we give you all the steps!) and, it can be implemented by anyone. By yourself, a member of your team or another accountant. Or us, but you are under no obligation to use us after the assessment - this report can be implemented without us and the results will fix your cashflow!
If you do decide you would like us to be your Improvement Plan implementers, then you can choose one of our Cashflow Improvement packages and we get cracking! You can read more about all of our advisory packages, here.